Scorpio & the Scorpio Boss


Before you interviewed with Scorpio, you probably had a hunch that you would get the job, or maybe you had a dream or a pre-monition about it. You've had these feelings throughout your life, and they usually turn out to be right.

So during the interview, you projected complete confidence and certainty. And yes, you landed the job. But when two Scorpios work together and one of them is the boss, there are going to be power struggles. 

Using Your Strengths 

Your approach to work—to nearly everything in life—is to persist until you get it exactly the way you want it. Until it feels right. You don't place any time parameters on it. You simply throw yourself into the project or assignment and swim with the powerful current of your creative drive. 

Water signs tend to be introspective, but for you that introspection can be utterly ruthless and relentless. Even when you're engaged in something mundane—like walking to the water fountain outside your office—a part of you is analyzing how you feel about what you're doing. You're picking things apart, look-ing for that absolute bottom line. Your boss, of course, understands this aspect of your personality because he's the same way. If he's smart, he'll leave you alone and let the process unfold. 

Stand Up for What You Believe 

You do this constantly; its second nature to you. You do it through the choices you make as a consumer, at the voting booth, with the peo-ple you choose as friends and with the schools your kids attend. But with your work, there are definite hot spots that elicit a strong and often immediate reaction: 
  • Criticism you believe is unfair and unjust. 
  • When the work you've done is attributed to someone else. 
  • When you're told your way is the wrong way and you know otherwise. 
  • Being ignored or dismissed as irrelevant. 
You probably won't make a scene. Flagrant drama in a confrontation is a waste of time and energy. You're more likely to compose a carefully worded email to your boss, detailing why you disagree and citing facts and statistics that back up your viewpoint. Even if you don't get what you want or deserve, you never back down. 

Set Goals 

You probably set goals frequently. Maybe you even keep actual lists of what you would like to achieve daily, weekly, monthly or annually. You dislike wasting time, and setting goals provides you with a definite direction, a way forward. 
Your goals usually aren't so detailed that you stifle the creative process, an important fac-tor in your relationship with your muse. She often has her own agenda and sometimes that agenda is to make you work for what you want or need. This is when synchronicity can come into play, where a string of meaningful coin-cidences nudge you in a particular direction 
