Cancer & the Scorpio Boss


During your interview with Scorpio, some-thing clicked between the two of you, a certain innate understanding of how the other sees the world. Scorpio glimpsed your expansive imagination and your ability to nurture creativity in self and others.

You recognized Scorpio's persistence and her vision for the company. When you were hired, the company became your new home. Here, you knew you could use your talents and abilities to help create something special. 

Using Your Strengths 

When you're immersed in a project, your laser-like focus matches Scorpio's. You can intuitively envision the final product and feel your way from one point to the next with the tenacity of the crab that symbolizes your sign. You're able to sense alternate paths you might take, and if and when you follow one of them, it's because your emotional and intuitive feelers signal that you should. 

Your introspection, your constant vigilance of your creative inner process is so finely tuned that you rarely falter once you've embarked on a project, goal or mission. But when you do, giving up isn't an option. You simply find another way of getting to where you want to be. As a moon-ruled cardinal sign, your extra-ordinary memory is intimately tied to your deepest emotions. A familiar scent or taste can trigger the origin of a particular memory, and it's just as bright and clear in your head as the day it happened. For Scorpio, this kind of extraordinary memory is a major plus, and you can be sure your boss will tap it from time to time. 

Stand Up for What You Believe 

Many Cancers go to great lengths to avoid emotional confrontation. If you're that type, then 

when you stand up for yourself you do so by being evasive, coy or perhaps even subversive. 
Let's say, for instance, that you work in an advertising company—think Mad Men, but set in the present. Your Scorpio boss assigns you an account for a product or for a company to which you have a moral objection. Maybe you're a pacifist and the company manufactures military weapons. But because this ac-count is the largest the agency has ever landed, you're certain your objection won't matter. 
Instead of asking Scorpio to assign the account to someone else, you decide to create an ad campaign against war and the invasion of sovereign countries. When you present the campaign to your boss and co-workers, a stunned silence grips the room. You've made your objection clear and now comes the moment of reckoning. 
How will your Scorpio boss react? Will you be fired? Will the campaign be assigned to one of your co-workers? However it pans out, you're prepared. Standing up for what you believe al-ways involves risk. 

Set Goals 

Your emotions are your most powerful resource, but because of your acute sensitivity, it's easy for you to get stuck in negative emotions. So the goals you set should be internal and personal, focused only on positive energy and emotion. By allowing yourself to be a vehicle for optimism and upbeat emotions and thoughts, you're better prepared to carry out your professional responsibilities and are able to work at maximum creative capacity. 
Since your Scorpio boss has to do this to some extent as well, it could lead to an innovative practice in the company.
