Scorpio & Scorpio as Friends/Colleagues



This duo as friends or colleagues can be summed up in a single word: wow. The tremendous power in this combination may feel like destiny, like kismet, and you may even sense the past-life connections. At the very least, it's likely that you and Scorpio felt an immediate and visceral attraction and chemistry when you met. Perhaps you spent time talking about your various interests and discovered you share some of the same passions. 

In a relationship between Scorpios where sex and power aren't issues, you have an opportunity for exploration that you may not have with other friends and colleagues. It might be an exploration of the nature of reality, the human psyche, the paranormal, your creative passions or the hidden side of life. The two of you might undertake a quest to some far-flung corner of the world in search of a rare manuscript or mythological creature. Your relation-ship might unfold like a Dan Brown novel. 

One thing is certain: you won't ever be bored as friends or colleagues! 


Most of us have pet peeves of one kind or 

another, behaviors or attitudes that drive us bonkers, areas in our lives we don't share with just anyone. You and your Scorpio friend may have similar taboos, but they won't be identical. You're different people whose lives and personalities have been shaped and molded by your individual experiences. 

In any friendship where two people share the same sun sign, it's a good idea to have your natal charts drawn up to see how you differ emotionally (the moon) and how other people perceive you (rising sign). Also, look to see in which house your respective suns fall. That's the area where you'll shine! Get your free natal chart here: 

This list of taboos for Scorpio is general. You and your Scorpio friend or colleague are probably on the same page with these pet peeves, so they won't be a problem. 

Scorpio Taboos 

  • Encroachment on his privacy 
  • Pressing him for answers he isn't able or willing to give yet 
  • Anyone taking him for granted 
  • Failure to recognize his contributions on a joint project 
  • Attempts to control him 
  • Emotional manipulation 
  • Unsolicited, negative remarks or observations about his partner, spouse, children or other friends 
  • Dishonesty 
  • Hypocrisy 

What to Expect 

As friends and/or colleagues, like any relation-ship between a pair of Scorpios, emotional intensity exists. You're both passionate, in-

dependent individuals who know what you like and don't like. You may both live in an either/or world, where something is good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative. In other words, there is no nuance, no gray area. It's part of what makes you such a formidable personality. 

Given all this, what can you expect from a friendship with a fellow Scorpio? 

From Scorpio 

  • 'Strong opinions and beliefs 
  • 'Loyalty once you've earned his trust 
  • Penetrating intuitive insights 
  • Honesty 

Unlocking the Secret to Scorpio 

Bottom line? We're all mortal. We're all 

going to die. Our mortality unites us at the deepest, most transformative levels, and just about everything else is a moot point. Once you understand this about yourself and your Scorpio friend, you've unlocked the secret. 
